

 Healthcare practitioners and service providers:

What do you need to get through this difficult time?


You, like everyone, need:

  • to be heard
  • to be safe
  • to connect with others
  • to tap into resources from your organization and from within yourself

If you are a health care professional or other service oriented individual and are struggling with overwhelm during this challenging pandemic, a Bluehill Coach is ready to help you.  If you've lost touch with the passion and purpose of your calling due to today's stresses and are experiencing exhaustion, imbalance between work and personal life, and a general concern for your own well-being, we will listen. Bluehill Coaching Group works one on one with individuals looking to regain their professional footing and draw on purpose and passion to weather this storm and beyond.  Changing times may call for changing roles that are worth exploring for some. For others, a role that is already great in many ways, will still have its challenges. Learning to identify and make different choices on a day to day basis and drawing on your strengths can be key to finding fulfillment in your current role. As holistic beings, the stress from one aspect of life cannot help but pour into others. Thus, whether personal life issues are at your forefront, or professional demands overshadow your daily satisfaction, a Bluehill coach is ready to help you set your priorities so you begin to make choices that work for you.

In addition, Bluehill Coaching Group offers leadership development programs, group coaching and workshops for health care organizations and the professionals they employ. Clients and the populations they serve benefit greatly from a more energized, goal oriented, purpose-driven team. A Bluehill coach is ready to help remove blocks that prevent individuals from giving their best to the team effort, reformulate group dynamics and improve communication among team members. This gives your purpose-driven staff the opportunity to again experience the sense of fulfillment that drew them initially to health care professions. It moves your purpose-driven organization to a new level of compassion for the well being of key service providers. The ripple effect will be felt throughout the organization and on through to the populations you serve.For further information, please email us at info@bluehillcoachinggroup.com. While some of your questions may be answered by our Q&A page, we'll be happy to set up a no cost phone consult to discuss your individual or organizational issues. Bluehill Coaching Group can help, that's our purpose.




Pathfinding for purpose-driven individuals and health care organizations.....

Bernadette Norz, PhD*, MBA, PCC

Executive, Leadership, Career & Physician Development Coach

*PhD in Human and Organizational Systems




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